The Apuseni Mountain Retreat Camp
During this meditation retreat, we escape the mundane world, get into the inner world, in a pure energetic environment, which makes you aware of your true self.
If you want to get to know yourself and enjoy emotional and mental peace, if you are searching for inner balance and self-understanding, and boost your energy, take advantage of it.
It is the beginning of the Process, we consolidate the knowledge of our essential structures, both emotional and mental structures (the human energy field/structures and chakras) that influence our bodies, and the ways we can heal our emotions, which creates imbalance starting with the root cause.
We experience the presence state by practicing conscious breathing, meditations, and teachings on how to connect ourselves to our inner self.
It is a 7-day camp, each day is dedicated to one chakra and the body, mental and emotional connections (imbalance problems), starting with the root chakra, every day we move to another level of our being. It is a powerful self-awareness and cleaning Process.
You will get to know yourself better by stepping into the state of Presence and Inner connection.
The bioenergetic exercises, the ability to meditate by diving/immersing beyond your mind, are compulsory tools that will stay with you for the rest of your life. You will learn to balance without any intermediaries. It is a self-applied/practical and self-transforming course that gives you the opportunity to release low energies and connect to your inner Essence.
– meditations;
– bioenergetic and breathing exercises;
– understanding the psychology of emotions, feelings, and thoughts;
– developing the inner perception of the Presence
– wonderful excursions in the surroundings- clean air, 2nd in
Europe, rich in negative ions. Each group is unique, as is each person, so the teachings depend on the openness and needs of everyone present.
The house is new, with all comforts (hot water, rooms with 2 or 4 beds, equipped kitchen, washing machine).
– 10-12 course, discussions, meditation
– jointly cooked meal
– walks, reading in a hammock, siesta
– dinner
– 19-21 course, discussions, meditation
5 easons for you to come to the camp:
1. You enter your inner world in a pure energetic environment, escaping the mundane world.
2. You practice the state of Presence, by diving into your inner self.
3. You boost your energy, combining strolls with the self-knowledge process.
4. You meditate, practice conscious breathing, and discover handy bioenergetic exercises.
5. You will be able to keep your mental and emotional health, without any mediator (with no intermediary person).
Baișorii Mountain (Skiing resort), one hour-driving far away from Cluj, 1400 height.
Breakfast and supper individually eating, at your convenience, lunch is cooked and eaten together;
Maximum 12 people
Book now!
from those who participated in the Retreat
Clarity of something that changes in me and settles better.
I I better understand that if I let this force work in me, everything is simpler. ”