The inner connection Process

Solisis School - The online self-knowledge school
6 months, 20 weekly meetings

Solisis is an inner connection school, whose first step is the Process. Throughout the Process, you are guided to become self-aware of your emotions, mental state, soul, spiritual, and body level by going through several concrete stages of transformation and enlightenment.

Since we are born, we are taught to look outward and told how to do different things, everything is mentally classified and the child gets into this mental network, joining the very mindset of society.

I guide you to stop looking only outward and have a look inward, to become aware of:

– the body condition, if there are any tensions, physical sensations;

– the necessity of transmuting emotional tension and releasing the emotional burden;

– your train of thoughts; where they come from, out of love or fear, if they confine you or enable you to be self-confident;

– your inner presence, the peace, the limitless inspiration, which helps you live in perfect harmony and alignment with everything.

It is a huge Process that makes us get aware of all the levels the human being vibrates at and the ability to redirect ourselves towards the Presence, the Core of our inner being, the essential part of us that persists beyond death, the creative part which rules the experiences we live.

A person that is consciously aware of this Truth, knows that fate or bad luck are not real facts, nothing happens by chance, since everything is connected to a perfect Intelligence.

In order to lead you to this Awareness, this level of consciousness, I guide you, during more than six months non-mentally practice, to experience your real essence, by letting your thoughts and emotions go and entering deeply into your Inner Being.

You are going to swim less against the horizontally currents of this world and dive deeply into the vertical currents of your Inner Being, which keeps all your structures in perfect alignment, provides a state of Peace, deep relaxation, inspiration, and creativity.

The Process starts with 8 sessions/8 weeks during which you learn how to become aware of your 4 bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) and get to purify them and convert the shadow into light.

It is a deep process of introspection in which you get to know the possible gridlocks conflicts in your family relationships, with your partners, communication, job, etc.

It is an extremely important Process for people attracted to spirituality and wants to know/experience the power of the present. It is the foundation of Construction.

In this way you learn to free yourself from the information that comes from fear and to replace it with what comes from love.

We highlight the blockages of each chakra. I teach the first session, but the second session, (which is) focused on the same chakra, is taught by the students who have already advanced in this Inner Connection School. Thus you can exchange/share experiences with others who are already on this Path.

So for each chakra, you have 2 sessions and 2 weeks’ time to practice.

You are guided to meditate, practice self energy-clearing (emotionally and mentally), feel the energy, boost your mental concentration and, most of all, feel the state of Presence beyond your mental.

The Presence does not stop at a spiritual dimension, it develops and expresses itself in the physical dimension by being aware of your bodies (physical, astral, and mental).

We practice bioenergetic breathing exercises, meditations and notice the blockages of each chakra (physical, emotional, and mental), so these are not mental concepts, but a contemplation method of your being that leads you to the state of Presence.

You are guided to find out what It Is, layer by layer, body by body.

The Mind-Body disharmony state

The illusion of a separation state, which we are going to stabilize.

The Mind-Body harmony state 

which we are going to gradually obtain, by aligning yourself with your Divine aspects.

These are followed by 2 active deep cleansing meditation sessions, the awareness and visualization of your chakras, spiritual teachings on the seven subtle bodies, the seven dimensions/bodies in the Universe, and the relationship between Personality-Soul-Spirit.

The illusion of a separate state, which we are going to stabilize.

                          THE MIND-BODY HARMONY STATE                           which we are going to gradually obtain, by aligning yourself with your Divine aspects.

Followed by 7 sessions/weeks in which you are guided to consciously connect with your Higher Self, your Guides, Masters of Light. I mean the 7 Rays, the qualities of your Soul and Spirit which you are going to learn about better by means of meditation, through real connection, not only by mental theories.

It is not about concepts we believe in but about direct and practical experimentation of their Presence and the impact they have on you, such as better Clarity, Peace, Love, Health, Force, Intuition, and Wisdom.

A difficult to ignore opening, which will accompany you the whole life, less or more, depending on your practice.

The Process finishes with 3 consolidation sessions of all the knowledge you gained, in which I guide you in which direction is your mission to better see your soul qualities with which you came, the Ray that you belong to, the strengths of your personality, and your spiritual gifts.

You are the very artisans of your liberation…. but it is up to you to practice and through this, you succeed in raising Consciousness.

You are guided to become independent, by getting into a more and more conscious connection to your Real Essence, without any mediator.

The Process can be attended individually or in small groups of 2 to 6 people. You can withdraw whenever you want, as it is a monthly payment, or you can keep attending our weekly meditations and teachings group.

You can start the Process during the Retreat camp.


from those who went through the Process


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